Thursday, February 13, 2014

A special photo

Jason wrote beautifully about transformation. I thought you'd like to see one of the first steps orphans take toward change. 

When we arrived yesterday to meet with a group of first year ZOE participants, only about five weeks into the three year process, they were creating their "life dreams." On a large piece of construction paper, they create five sections: 1) what I don't like, 2) what makes me sad, 3) what I like, 4) my dream for the future, and 5) my guiding principles. Pictured here is Carrer, showing us her work in progress. This is a powerful exercise for these children who have never had the privilege of thinking much beyond their next meal or pressing concern.

We're so grateful for the opportunity to represent BUMC and the body of Christ to these orphans. In our interactions with them and in seeing their lives transformed, we've seen God's face. We look forward to sharing more with you when we return!


  1. Praying for your safe return, and ever grateful for your presence in Rwanda on behalf of Boone UMC! Bless y'all~

  2. Congrats on a great trip!
