Friday, February 7, 2014

Our first visit with ZOE children...

We made it safely and on schedule to Africa and Rwanda. We have been blessed by many things thus far in our trip including warm hospitality by our host Epiphany, her team, the hotel staff, and the ZOE children today. Below the first picture was taken as we exited the plane welcoming us to Africa (Ethiopia).

The WiFi has been spotty at the hotel, but we are working through those challenges. We truly appreciate all of the support and prayers you have been sending our way. 

Today we saw ZOE at work, along with God's plan to care for everyone as we met our first ZOE children. These are children who have graduated from ZOE, or are in their third and final year. Truly I walk away from today thinking of God's plan and love for each of us no matter our circumstances. Truly Everyone Everywhere Matters." We heard from a group operating and sharing a banana business. Two women who talked of God's love when they had nothing. They brought many of us to tears as they talked of the hope and love found through a relationship with Jesus. We also met two other women who were knitting uniforms, and other items as a part of a group. Again, their amazing stories of success warmed our hearts. We ended the day visiting with a woman who is a recent graduate of Zoe. She has overcome so many obstacles by selling bananas which allowed her to buy some land, which allowed her to make her own bricks, and with Zoe's help build a house. We visited her today on her house . We closed our day in prayer with her. It has been a good day, and we have seen many of God's blessings for his children...all his children. 

Sunrise as we exited the plane in Ethiopia

Images from the van on the way to Butare from Kigali once we landed in Rwanda. 


  1. Love seeing these pictures, JJ! So glad you had enough wifi to share such heartfelt stories with us. Blessings~

  2. Great photos...Looks so beautiful and harsh all at the same time.

  3. This makes me feel like I'm in the van with ya'll!! Thanks!!!
